Friday, January 4, 2013

HTC might unveil a new phone or two

Mere months ago HTC released two killer devices into the marketplace, theDroid DNA and the HTC One X+. Apparently that wasn't enough for the Taiwanese manufacturer. If a couple of recent rumors are true, HTC has a couple more smartphones up its sleeve.
CES 2013
The first rumbling came back in June when a possible line-up of HTCWindows Phone 8 devices was leaked, the headliner being the 4.7-inchHTC Zenith. Then another WP8 device, the HTC Titan III registered on our radar thanks to a survey on Xbox Live. Now just a few days ago we caught wind of the HTC M7, which the rumors peg as a possible 5-inch flagship device.
If these leaks have any merit, big handsets would seem to be a running theme for HTC. After the iPhone went over 4-inches, everyone seems to be upsizing. Maybe this is HTC's new angle after it bowed out of the US tablet market?

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